Wednesday, March 2, 2016

No Party Without A Hat...

I came up with this idea when I spoke to my close friend about my upcoming project and how I am interested in making it about sexual health. My friend joked and told me that while it comes to him "There is never a party without a hat" referring to condom use for sexual activity which is how I came up with this alluring title. Sexual health is a taboo topic for many people which is absurd due to the high infection rates of STDs in the United States and all over the world it is something that everyone should be informed about. I used sketches to focus more on the messages versus the images of models because I wanted the the words to impact the audience. I played with the topic of a party being sex and the hat being a condom or protection/information which covers using a party cake covering the sketch of the body's genitals. The bottom half of the image is where I tie the entire purpose of the piece by using another sketch and writing a mock scripture of rules that people should create when it comes to what they allow to do sexually with their bodies. The use of color is very important in my piece also because it highlights and plays with the messages I am expressing in my image a party being colorful and happy and the rules that you set being stern and serious with black and red wording. Hope you enjoy my poster and truly take away the seriousness of sexual health in the world and  how many countries are in a state of crisis when it comes to sexual awareness issues.

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